Olympic cyclist and lawyer Bob Mionske is reviving his VeloNews column to answer questions about cycling and the law Editor’s note: We are pleased to reintroduce “Legally Speaking,” a column penned…
Over the last two decades Bob Mionske has written the well-received Legally Speaking column for VeloNews, providing insight into legal issues affecting cyclists. His past efforts are catalogued below.
Olympic cyclist and lawyer Bob Mionske is reviving his VeloNews column to answer questions about cycling and the law Editor’s note: We are pleased to reintroduce “Legally Speaking,” a column penned…
’The first time I saw a copy of VeloNews, it was still a newspaper. It was the early 80’s and I had just ’discovered’ the sport. A friend had an…
Ask any motorist what irritates them most about cyclists, and you’re likely to get an earful about cyclists who behave as if stop signs and red lights don’t apply to…
Ghost bike: A memorial in honor of Tracey Sparling. Tracey Sparling, a 19-year old student at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, was returning to campus after a lunch-break trip…
What if there was something you could do to improve your health and fitness, save money, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, improve air quality, and reduce your carbon footprint,…
“Gaining the right to the road was the cycling cause of the late nineteenth century; securing that right will be the cycling cause of the early twenty-first century.” Those were…
Benjamin Franklin once observed that there is nothing certain in this world but death and taxes. In our own time, we’ve observed that when it comes to the subject of…
If you’re one of those readers who reads a book from cover to cover, you may have noticed that in the acknowledgements for Bicycling & the Law, I thanked Cronometro,…
A few weeks ago (see Can’t we do better?), I posed the question “What do you think can be done about cyclist safety?” in response to a question from C.S.,…
As Americans pause to give thanks at the beginning of this holiday season, it’s a good time for us to look past some of the outrages we’ve experienced this past…