2009News December 29, 2009 Bicyclists Seek Better Protection The Roanoke Times: Bicyclists seek better protection Two people injured in bike wrecks say they believe… bicyclelaw Love0
2009News December 29, 2009 Justice Lacking In Road Rage Murder Charge The Chicago Sun-times: Justice lacking in road rage murder charge Prosecutors protect instigator as ’witness’ instead… bicyclelaw Love0
2009News December 28, 2009 Hipsters v. Hasidim Over Brooklyn Bike Lane Religion Dispatches: Hipsters v. Hasidim Over Brooklyn Bike Lane By Nathan Schneider December 28, 2009 Did… bicyclelaw Love0
2009News December 27, 2009 Proposals Seek To Encourage More Cyclists And To Make Baltimore Streets Safer For Them The Baltimore Sun: Proposals seek to encourage more cyclists and to make Baltimore streets safer… bicyclelaw Love0
2009News December 26, 2009 Bills To Look At Cyclists, Road Safety The Clarion Ledger: Bills to look at cyclists, road safety JUSTIN FRITSCHER • JFRITSCHER@JACKSON.GANNETT.COM • DECEMBER… bicyclelaw Love0
2009News December 25, 2009 Bicycle Coalition Seeks Legal Protections Radio Iowa: Bicycle Coalition seeks legal protections by O. KAY HENDERSON on DECEMBER 25, 2009 The… bicyclelaw Love0
2009News December 24, 2009 Bicyclist Hospitalized After Being Hit By 18-Wheeler The San Antonio Express: Bicyclist hospitalized after being hit by 18-wheeler By Valentino Lucio - Express-News… bicyclelaw Love0
2009News December 23, 2009 Death Of Brooklyn Cyclist Spurs Closer Look At Dangerous Intersection In Greenpoint The New York Daily News: Death of Brooklyn cyclist spurs closer look at dangerous intersection in… bicyclelaw Love0
2009News December 22, 2009 Ex-Police Chief Seeks Removal From Civil Suit The Ironton tribune: Ex-police chief seeks removal from civil suit By Benita Heath | The Tribune… bicyclelaw Love0
2009BlogRoad Rights December 21, 2009 Road Rights – Philly’s Pushback In October, two pedestrians died in Philadelphia after being hit by errant cyclists. Now, anti-cyclist… bicyclelaw Love0