The Idaho Statesman: Boy will face charges in accident that killed cyclist Kevin Pavlis
Published: 11/07/09
The teen who hit Kevin Pavlis in June will be in juvenile court on Monday.
The 16-year-old will be charged with vehicular manslaughter for his role in the Hill Road crash, but court proceedings will be closed unless a juvenile court judge opens them.
If convicted, the boy could face up to three years of probation, 90 days in juvenile detention, the suspension of his driver’s license, community service and restitution, Ada County Deputy Prosecutor Michael Anderson said.
Long-awaited by Boise’s cyclists, the news brought quick responses online. readers weighed in:
Enigmatic_Pundit: “Justice may be slow, but at least they did not let him walk away.”
OC_drinkin_age: “That’s too bad … It WAS just an accident.”
zekenaja: “I’m glad the charges finally will come. If you’re old enough to drive, you’re old enough to be held responsible.”
Fury: “In my opinion, the maximum sentence is not harsh enough. What an injustice for Kevin’s family, friends and community.”
This was one in a spate of three fatal bike crashes earlier this year. The other two:
• Michael Perkins faces a misdemeanor charge of vehicular manslaughter for the May 19 collision that killed Jim L. Chu of Eagle.
•A 22-year-old driver committed no crime, police say, when he passed through a green light and hit Thomas D. Bettger on May 21.