One of the important skills lawyers-in-training (a.k.a. “law students”) learn in law school is the ability to argue either side of a case. That can be tough for the average…
Linda Willsey distinctly remembers the moment: She was on her bike, riding home from work, when the car door was flung open directly into her path. There was barely time…
Dear Readers, This week, I’ll be sharing some reader responses to my recent columns on road rage (See Bikes vs. cars,Summer of rage and More rage). But first, as noted…
Dear Readers, I’m going to take the unusual step of starting with the subject with which I usually close my columns. I would like to invite those of you can attend…
In my last Legally Speaking column, Bikes vs. Cars, I recounted some of this summer’s more egregious road rage incidents between motorists and cyclists, all of which happened in rapid-fire…
To the casual observer, it may seem as though tempers have been rising along with the temperatures this summer, but as we’ll see, we know that the summer heat has…
Bob, It is difficult to express my outrage after verifying the facts of the Autumn Growhowski story. I find the collision (it should never be called an “accident”) terrifying, and…
Nineteen-year-old Autumn Grohowski was on her cell phone with her dad, just letting him know she would be home soon. It was June, a summer night in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, and…
Bob, We have a little ride in Iowa called RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa). A few years ago a cyclist hit a centerline crack and died. The…
Dear Bob, In Eau Claire, Wisconsin, during a ride on the last Friday of last month, 17 cyclists were ticketed for violating the two abreast statue by claims that they…