States are coming around to a sensible change to traffic laws, which would allow cyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs — and that’s a good thing. In the hierarchy…

Laws requiring drivers to give adequate space to cyclists are a step in the right direction, but law-enforcement efforts have room to improve. Whether heading out for a training ride,…

Legal expert Bob Mionske explains a few key steps organized group rides should take to worry less about liability and focus on the ride. No one wants to talk about…

What happens if one of the cyclists hits a pedestrian or a car or takes down a paceline on a group ride? Bike clubs have long organized of all sorts of group…

Insurance companies have a sneaky way of trying to avoid paying the true value of your bike if you’re hit by a car. Here’s why. Roadie: “Earlier today, I was…

Bob Mionske discusses the reality of collisions between cars and bikes, and how those riders can receive better justice. Here’s reality: Around the world, 1.3 million people die in motor…

Roadie: “A cop on my group ride heard me bragging about hitting 56mph on a descent where the speed limit was 40mph. He jokingly said he would go to my Strava…

Bob Mionske outlines some of the situations that can get cyclists in trouble, both medically and legally. In my experience, roadies, especially, those with race experience, have a unique style. It…

If you’re hit by an uninsured or underinsured motorist, you’ll be on the hook for your bills. Here’s how you can protect yourself. You’re out on your favorite training route….

When you are harassed by a dangerous driver, you can take action. Here’s how one cyclist did just that. “How about I get out and f—k you up in front…