This news article featuring Bob Mionske has been reproduced here for our media archives. To access the original article, follow the link. L.A. Streetsblog: Cycling and the Law: Where Does Education…
Yes, even the police are wrong sometimes. By Bob Mionske A few months ago, I received a phone call from a cyclist with an incredible story about an incident in…
So many cyclists seem to think that it’s not worth the effort to come to a stop at signs and signals. I’m tired of seeing it, but they all say…
Nearly two months ago, I announced that, following my final Legally Speaking column, I would continue to write about the fight for cyclists’ rights in a new column for Bicycling magazine. I am pleased to announce that…
By Bob Mionske Eight years ago, representative Earl Blumenauer had an idea—if the law allows employers to offer tax-free fringe benefits to subsidize their employees who commute by car, or…
The year was 1982. Argentina and the United Kingdom went to war over some South Atlantic islands with a combined population of some 3000 Britons and half a million sheep….
[This account of a recent incident was written by Dana Rucker, and was sent to by Andy Popinski. Dana Rucker has kindly allowed us to present his story, in…
This news article featuring Bob Mionske has been reproduced here for our media archives. The north Chicago suburb of Barrington Hills has adopted new ordinances aimed at the increasing number…
This news article featuring Bob Mionske has been reproduced here for our media archives. To access the original article, follow the link below. Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel: Mionske moves to Bicycling Magazine…
BOB MIONSKE BEGINS NEW BICYCLE LAW COLUMN AT BICYCLING MAGAZINE As I noted in my most recent Legally Speaking column, I first became acquainted with VeloNews as a young, aspiring…