The Irish Times: Flashing lights legalised as new cyclists’ code planned OLIVIA KELLY FLASHING BICYCLE lights, which have been used illegally for years by many cyclists, have been legalised by…
The Idaho Statesman: Juvenile Court judge orders Pavlis bike fatality case sealed The public may never know the fate of a 16-year-old driver who police say killed a bicyclist last summer…. Driver ’had no idea’ cyclist was under lorry’s wheels By Tom Henry – Posted on 29 December 2009 A cyclist killed at a central London junction would still be alive…
The Roanoke Times: Bicyclists seek better protection Two people injured in bike wrecks say they believe the motorists who hit them were not adequately punished by the court system. Mary Hardbarger…
The Chicago Sun-times: Justice lacking in road rage murder charge Prosecutors protect instigator as ’witness’ instead of criminal December 29, 2009 BY MARY MITCHELL Sun-Times Columnist The case against Tyrice Pryor…
Religion Dispatches: Hipsters v. Hasidim Over Brooklyn Bike Lane By Nathan Schneider December 28, 2009 Did Williamsburg’s Hasidic community have Mayor Bloomberg close a major bike lane simply because they were…
The Baltimore Sun: Proposals seek to encourage more cyclists and to make Baltimore streets safer for them By Julie Scharper | December 27, 2009 Boson Au commutes from his…
The Clarion Ledger: Bills to look at cyclists, road safety JUSTIN FRITSCHER • JFRITSCHER@JACKSON.GANNETT.COM • DECEMBER 26, 2009 Expect legislation that addresses rules of the road for both motorists and cyclists…
Radio Iowa: Bicycle Coalition seeks legal protections by O. KAY HENDERSON on DECEMBER 25, 2009 The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is again gearing up to try to get state lawmakers to pass…
The San Antonio Express: Bicyclist hospitalized after being hit by 18-wheeler By Valentino Lucio – Express-News A bicyclist was seriously injured Thursday night when a 18-wheeler hit him after he ran…