NBC Los Angeles: Police Reopen Cyclist Crash as Possible Aggravated Assault Police officers witnessed a cyclist fall off her bike, contradicting reports of motorist road rage By Melissa Pamer and…
The Seattle Times: Judge tosses out bicyclists’ lawsuit over SLU streetcar tracks A King County judge has dismissed a suit filed by six bicyclists who said the city of Seattle…
The San Francisco Examiner: Rare pedestrian deaths exploited by bicycle foes By: SF Examiner Editorial | 04/11/12 SF Examiner Editorial Enough already. It is alleged that bicyclist Chris Bucchere sped…
NBC Los Angeles: Los Angeles Police Dismiss Hit-and-Run as Cause of Cyclist’s Injuries Bike advocates demand changes to investigation procedures By Melissa Pamer | Wednesday, Apr 11, 2012 Los Angeles…
The LAist: Police Rule Out Hit-and-Run in Susanna Schick Case, Say the Experienced Cyclist ‘Fell Down on Her Bicycle’ Friday’s cycling incident in Downtown Los Angeles that landed a 42-year-old…
The SFist: Traffic Video Allegedly Contradicts Cyclist’s Story In Deadly S.F. Pedestrian Collision Chris Bucchere, the cyclist who struck and killed a 71-year-old pedestrian and then wrote about it for…
The San Francisco Chronicle: Bike riding needs rules Tuesday, April 10, 2012 The evolution of bicycle policy in San Francisco seems to be all about doing more to accommodate riders….
The SFist: Castro Bike Fatality Leads ‘Chron’ To Call For Stricter Bike Enforcement The debate rages on about the city’s bicyclists and whether or not they should be held responsible,…
The LAist: Police Report Filed Today for Friday’s Alleged Road Rage Hit-and-Run, Cyclist to be Hospitalized for 2 Months The alleged road rage incident that has left cyclist Susanna Schick…
NBC Los Angeles: Road Rage Prompted Collision, Says Injured Cyclist Susanna Schick suffered a broken pelvis and several broken ribs after being hit by a car in downtown LA By…