Daily Journal of Commerce: Transportation bill jeopardizes fate of bike, pedestrian programs POSTED: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 BY: Lindsey O’Brien A new federal transportation bill unveiled by House Republicans last…
The Patriot-News: Gov. Corbett signs bicycle safe passing measure into law Published: Friday, February 03, 2012 By DAN MILLER, The Patriot-News Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett Thursday signed into law a…
Politico: GOP highway spending bill ‘the worst,’ Ray LaHood says Ray LaHood blasted House Republicans’ highway bill on Thursday. By BURGESS EVERETT | 2/2/12 12:07 PM EST Updated: 2/3/12 5:51…
The Coloradoan: How safe is your bike? As the number of Fort Collins bicycle thefts continues to rise year over year, many are asking … Jan. 18, 2012 Written by…
TreeHugger.com: A New Four-Lane Superhighway To Be Built Only For Bikes A.K. Streeter Transportation / Bikes January 16, 2012 If you want to find an unassuming place where bicycling is…
Outside: WHO PINCHED MY RIDE? When thieves stole his beloved commuter bike on a busy street in broad daylight, PATRICK SYMMES snapped—and set out on a cross-country plunge into the…
The Boston Globe: Make streets safe for cyclists EDITORIAL | EDITORIAL | CAMBRIDGE’S DEADLY INTERSECTION January 09, 2012 THE TRAGIC collision of an 18-wheeler and a bicyclist that killed 23-year-old…
Berkeley Patch: New Code Gives Cyclists a Chance to Fight Harassment A new chapter in Berkeley’s Municipal Code due to be adopted in the Jan. 17 city council meeting prohibits…
Road.cc: Road rage bus driver faces jail for swerving in to cyclist Driver pleads guilty to GBH (with a bus) and dangerous driving by tony farrelly on January 5, 2012…
Louisiana Weekly: Cyclists and pedestrians to benefit from new Complete Streets program 3rd January 2012 By Ariella Cohen thelensnola.org Byron Orlando Sandoval Lopez, 42, was cycling home on the St….