Recovering your own stolen bike is legal—but be careful By Bob Mionske It was a classic sting operation—and when it was posted on YouTube, Jake Gillum’s bike-recovery videowent viral. The…
The last weekend in September was ushered in by warm and sunny autumn weather in California—and across the state, cyclists were out in force. In San Francisco, 5,000 cyclists from…
What you need to know about e-bikes and the law By Bob Mionske For cyclists who ride for fitness, electric-assist bicycles, or e-bikes, may seem to miss the point. But…
Cyclists ride for a lot of different reasons. For some, it’s for the love of sport. For others, it’s is an economical way to stretch a tight budget. There’s also…
You may be taking legal responsibility when you organize a group ride. Here’s what you need to know. By Bob Mionske In the eyes of the law, there’s a difference…
Yes, there is such a thing as cycling insurance. Here’s what you need to know—and why you might need it. For years, I’ve advised bike riders to piece together cycling…
The social network Strava has been linked to two cycling-related deaths. But can the online service really be held liable for its members’ behavior? By Bob Mionske On June 14,…
A new type of anti-harassment law holds aggressive drivers accountable for their behavior By Bob Mionske Although the roads belong to everybody, some motorists don’t see it that way. Maybe…
More bikes on the road means safer roads, as drivers learn to keep their speeds legal and to drive more carefully. But before the roads get safer, there’s a learning…
I’ve received many questions about the legal technicalities relating to the cyclist-pedestrian case described in last week’s Road Rights column. Here are some answers to the most commonly asked inquiries….