KENS 5 San Antonio: Could San Antonio cyclists get more legal right to the lane?
by Amanda Stanzilis, KENS 5
Posted on February 3, 2010 at 9:37 PM
On Thursday, San Antonio City Council will consider the Safe Passing Ordinance. The ordinance would require drivers to either change lanes when passing vulnerable road users or give those road users at least three feet of clearance. Vulnerable road users include cyclists, joggers, skaters, physically disabled persons, children, tow truck operators, stranded motorists, and persons operating farm equipment.
Manager of Ride Away Bicycles in Huebner Oaks and cyclist Jason Schwab says the ordinance is long overdue. He said, “We’re way behind right now… This is a first step. It’s a baby step, but this has got to pass.”
District 10 City Councilman John Clamp says this is not the time. He’s concerned the ordinance was rushed straight to council without passing through his Public Safety Committee. He says, “Our opportunity as Public Safety committee members is to really evaluate, review, and analyze the proposal. We did not have the opportunity to do that. Although this could be a very good ordinance for the city, I hope we slow it down and bring it back to Public Safety.”