KETV Omaha: Cyclist Dies After Truck Collision
Police Arrest Driver Who Left Scene
POSTED: 1:34 pm CST January 30, 2010
UPDATED: 4:14 pm CST January 30, 2010
OMAHA, Neb. — Police said a man who was crossing the street on a bicycle died after being hit by a pickup truck on Saturday.
Officers said the crash happened near 37th and Q streets.
Police said the green Dodge pickup truck left the scene after the crash, but the driver, Tomas De La Cruz-Prado, 19, was later taken into custody.
The victim was identified as Jose Sandoval, 57. Police said he was taken to Creighton University Medical Center and was in “extremely critical” condition and died there.
De La Cruz-Prado is suspected of motor-vehicle homicide, leaving the scene of an injury accident, drunken driving and driving without a license. He was being held at the Douglas County Jail.