San Diego 6: Driver Given Probation for Death of Cyclist
Last Update: 1/08 5:21 pm
SAN DIEGO (CNS) – A motorist who struck and killed a bicyclist on Sabre Springs Parkway a year ago was sentenced Friday to probation and ordered to do volunteer and public work service.
Arthur Newman, 56, pleaded no contest Nov. 19 to misdemeanor charges of vehicular manslaughter and driving in a bicycle lane.
The no contest plea is legally considered the same as an admission of guilt and is often made in cases in which there is a possible lawsuit for damages by a person injured in the criminal conduct.
Newman told police that he didn’t see 55-year-old Walter Joller, an experienced cyclist who had flashing lights on his bicycle and was wearing reflective clothing on Jan. 6, 2009.
A detective said Newman was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and probably just took his eyes off the road when his BMW struck the victim.
Friends said Joller pedaled more than 55 miles to work several times a week.
Newman was placed on three years probation and fined $700. He was given 120 days in custody, but that was suspended as long as he doesn’t violate his probation, said Gina Coburn of the City Attorney’s Office.
She said Newman was also ordered to perform 100 hours of volunteer work service and 20 days of public work service.