A different light
There’s that feeling in the air as one heads out for the morning ride, whether it be a short commute or a longer effort. A crispness, a different light. Fall is nigh. Oddly dressed folks will soon be riding laps, hopping on and off bikes in the mud and sand. That’s a nod to all you crazy cat cyclocrossers out there. We don’t mean to offend, but some might call you weird. Is that a loaded term these days? The rest of us will be digging out our layers and lights because conspicuity is key.
In this issue we go granular on insurance. Wait — come back here! This is crucial. We hope you’ll never need insurance. And we hope you’ll never need to check in with us. But cyclists have specialized insurance needs, and we’ve got a guide for you.
To counterbalance dry insurance talk we give you a race report from the Hoodoo 500, told by the 2024 ultra distance national champion himself. For most of us, reading the saga is the closest we’d want to come to the grueling extremes imposed by riding 500 miles in a single go.
In an effort to lighten things (dad joke!), we touch on the end of daylight saving time and ways to improve safety on the road at the beginning or end of the day.
Finally, a reminder that the 17th Supermarket Street Sweep is coming up in San Francisco for those who want a little friendly competition — or volunteer to help those facing food insecurity.
Wherever your journeys take you, we wish you joy, the wind at your back, and safe passage.
Hoping you keep the rubber side down,
Miles B. Cooper, Maryanne B. Cooper, Bob Mionske,
and everyone at Bicycle Law