Bicycle Law’s Community Involvement
Bicycle Law’s members participate in advocacy, keep their active transportation knowledge honed, and support the community. Here are a few different ways we’ve participated recently:
Continued mentoring, coaching, and sponsoring b.i.k.e. (Bikes and Ideas for Kids Empowerment). Bob Mionske has been involved with b.i.k.e. for over two decades. Founded by John Benenate in 1995, the organization was featured on The Oprah Show when it received’s Use Your Life Award. The b.i.k.e. organization, using bicycles as a medium, supports at-risk children by providing opportunities for personal, athletic, and academic success.
Sponsored The Street Trust. A national non-profit organization, The Street Trust is committed to creating communities where people can meet their daily transportation needs through active transportation.
Attended CalBike’s multi-day summit in Los Angeles to learn about ways to improve cycling safety and transit equity.
Spoke at San Francisco City Hall on the need for immediate road improvements for cyclist and active transportation safety. Unfortunately, up until this year, almost every significant protected bike lane in San Francisco has been built immediately after a fatality. This is true even though San Francisco knows where these fatalities are likely to happen through bicycle and pedestrian-incident tracking. Even worse, San Francisco is a Vision Zero city, theoretically committed to eliminating vehicle-related fatalities through infrastructure improvement.
Attended Silicon Valley Bike Coalition’s annual summit.
Participated in People Protected Bike Lanes actions to highlight the need for protected bike lanes.
Volunteered as safe streets ambassadors to help turn street space into outdoor restaurant and retail space so businesses can safely re-open and re-hire amidst the pandemic.
Celebrated our fourth year sponsoring the Mission Crit. The Mission Crit is a highly competitive fixed-gear race in San Francisco that draws international talent.
Engaged in small acts of tactical urbanism (which we won’t go into here, for legal reasons of course…). founder Bob Mionske working with b.i.k.e. participants.

The calm before the storm at a Mission Crit. Photo credit: James Grady @missioncrit