What is Bicycle Law?
For those unfamiliar with us, we are lawyers working for cyclists. Founded by Olympic cyclist and national champion-turned-lawyer Bob Mionske in 2000, the organization has grown over the past two decades. We are commuters, advocates, adventurers, and enthusiasts. You can find us piloting cargo bikes with our kids—the easiest and most enjoyable way to travel with children. You can also find us in Washington, D.C. with the League of American Bicyclists, lobbying for better infrastructure. We commute, we adventure, we joy ride…
We’ve also found that the COVID-19 pandemic has created bicycle-specific opportunities, and issues, that need to be addressed. People have flocked to riding as a way to socially distance while commuting, and as a way to get exercise. Try getting in for a bike repair, or locating a new bike these days, and you’ll see the impact. At the same time, road use is being re-examined. It is being reclaimed for use by people instead of cars. Restaurants and businesses are setting up outdoors for pandemic safety. Roads are being closed to through traffic. And don’t get us started on Paris’s two-wheeled conversion…
Electric bikes’ rapid advancements continue to expand opportunities for those who want more freedom from cars with less sweat. And for those of you reading this who prefer to drive, recognize this: Every cyclist you see is someone who would otherwise be another car in your way. Give us a friendly wave instead of a crushing car horn, even if we aren’t doing everything as perfectly as you’d like (and as we up our propaganda game in coming editions, we’ll educate you about the benefits of the Idaho stop…).
We also know that despite our best efforts, the roads are not always friendly for cyclists. Whether it be a car, a poorly maintained road, or a defective product, cyclists can get injured. And when that happens, the lawyers Bicycle Law affiliates with are ready and willing to help.
Hoping you keep the rubber side down,
Everyone at Bicycle Law