The Keene Sentinel: Swanzey bicyclist still hospitalized after accident Monday
Updated Thursday, Nov. 19, 5 p.m.
By Sentinel Staff
Published: Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Swanzey bicyclist struck by a car crossing Route 101 in Keene on Monday is still in the hospital, says his sister.
Walter Calkins, 87, still has a long road to recovery, says his sister and caregiver, Betty I. Short of Swanzey. He underwent surgery for two broken bones in his left leg on Tuesday and on Wednesday had a partial hip replacement. She said they still don’t know about other injuries until he is well enough to get up from his bed to have X-rays.
Still, her brother, an avid bicyclist, remains in good spirits, Short said. Calkins, who writes and sings his own songs and was named the Swanzey Troubadour Laureate in February, sang one of his songs to nurses before going in to his first operation, Short said.
His family has been at his side during his recovery, she said.
Short said her brother would enjoy receiving cards, which can be addressed to Calkins in care of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon 03756.